🌷: Letting Go

🌷: We Let Go of somethings  so that we can be able to blossom ,Grow and evolve ourselves. Not because we despite the things or people we leave in our past but its simply because they are not ready to grow with you 
There's a phrase which goes "Your Growth scares people who are not willing to change" and that's just because it is simply not their time but for you who is trying to find yourself ,You cannot be around certain Energy by tgat i mean Negative Energy the one whereby people look down on you and Believe you cannot achieve certain things because they couldn't achieve them  or "You're not smart enough"  nor "Good Enough
You can no longer be around it
Walk away at the end of the day all you need you need is a Strong sense of self-believe that you will make it in life.


  1. Please do follow me on Instagram @Jobstyne11
    I follow back


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